CALLING ON THE GOVERNMENT TO BACK TOURISM POST-BREXIT 13th October 2016 Nigel Huddleston MP has called on the Government to “formulate a positive future for UK tourism, outside of the EU but very much open to Europe and the world.”... Senedd News
A CHARTER FOR THE FUTURE OF THE BBC 15th September 2016 Nigel Huddleston, MP for Mid Worcestershire and a member of the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee has welcomed the Government’s draft BBC Charter which... Senedd News
DIGITAL ECONOMY BILL 13th September 2016 Nigel Huddleston, MP for Mid Worcestershire and a member of the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, spoke at the second reading of the Digital Economy... Senedd News
BOUNDARY REVIEW 13th September 2016 The Boundary Commission for England has produced its initial recommendations for all English parliamentary constituencies. Substantial changes to the boundaries... Senedd News
MID WORCESTERSHIRE MP BACKS PREGNANCY AND ALCHOL AWARENESS PROGRAMME 12th September 2016 Last Friday, Nigel Huddleston MP visited the Meadow Birth Centre at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital for the launch of the Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder... Senedd News
NIGEL HUDDLESTON MP ATTENDS BRITISH RED CROSS PARLIAMENTARY EVENT TO HELP PEOPLE SAVE LIVES 12th September 2016 Nigel Huddleston MP attended a British Red Cross event in Westminster on Tuesday 6 September to launch research revealing up to 59% of deaths from injury could... Senedd News
ENDING THE GENDER EDUCATION GAP 8th September 2016 Nigel Huddleston MP has taken part in a debate in Parliament on ‘the educational performance of boys’ highlighting the fact that girls outperform boys at all... Senedd News
NIGEL HUDDLESTON MP CALLS ON BT TO ‘PUT THEIR HOUSE IN ORDER’ 21st July 2016 nigel huddleston mp calls on bt to ‘put Their house in order’ Senedd News
MAKE BRITAIN A COUNTRY THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE 14th July 2016 make Britain a country that works for everyone Senedd News